Saša Radovanović
Jouw steun maakt het verschil! Elke donatie versterkt onze projecten, die deze kinderen broodnodige kansen bieden. Samen veranderen we levens, stap voor stap. 💪🏻
€ 195
of € 2.500
days to go
De kinderen in India, getekend door een lage kaste en visuele beperkingen, verdienen beter. Ik zet me in om hun wereld te veranderen. Daarvoor trotseer ik de Himalaya: een reis van wonderen en uitdagingen. Ondanks de intimidatie van kou en mijn prikkelbare darm, en Indian hot food! 🥵, ben ik vastbesloten en goed voorbereid - van lange wandelingen tot warm ondergoed.
Jouw steun maakt het verschil! Elke donatie versterkt onze projecten, die deze kinderen broodnodige kansen bieden. Samen veranderen we levens, stap voor stap. 💪🏻
Yes, all participants in our adventures cover their own travel and accommodation costs. This ensures that every euro donated directly benefits our projects and the communities we support. Your participation or donation goes 100% towards furthering our mission for social change and development.
Participants in the Himalaya Trek 2024 will have the unique opportunity to personally experience the progress and success of our projects and, if desired, to share this within their own network. In addition, we regularly share updates and stories about our projects via our website and social media.
Your donation will be used 100% to support life-changing projects in India, without deduction of administrative costs or expenses for travel and accommodation costs of participants. This includes the renovation and modernization of educational facilities for the N.E.L.C. School for the Blind, where we create unique learning environments for children with visual impairments. You also support the initiative with Salvation Ministries India, aimed at economic empowerment by setting up tea houses and small shops. These projects contribute to improved educational quality, student empowerment, economic independence, and more. Your contribution will help us demonstrate our holistic approach to development and bring about impactful change.