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United for Tomorrow

United for Tomorrow

Education For a Future

Education: A Beacon for the Future

In a world where education forms the cornerstone of personal and societal progress, we stand at the forefront of this battle for change. Quality education is not just a right; it's a promise of a hopeful future for every child. Sadly, this promise remains unfulfilled for too many children. Millions of young minds around the globe are deprived of the basic opportunities that education provides, due to lack of access or quality.

Equal Opportunities Through Education

Education is more than just learning. It is a powerful equalizer. In every classroom where a child sits, there lies the potential for a brighter tomorrow. Our partners at Project Held and the involved projects at Stichting Nofam have already made significant progress in providing educational opportunities to underprivileged children. Their journey towards knowledge and self-improvement has begun, but our task is far from complete.

The Next Step: From Education to Profession

Our current challenge is guiding young adults to the finishing line of a vocational diploma, a crucial step towards self-reliance and economic stability. This journey requires more resources, more dedication, and more hearts open to change. That's why Project Held and Nofam are joining forces: together for a future where every child, regardless of their background, has the opportunity to dream, learn, and succeed.

Join us

It's time to take action. Every child we reach, every classroom we build, and every teacher we support, brings us closer to a world where education is not a luxury, but a universal reality. Join us in 'Together for Tomorrow' – because every contribution, big or small, is a step towards a better world.

The campaign focuses on projects that the Nofam Foundation and Foundation Project Held are involved in. The proceeds from the campaign will go towards projects in Uganda and India. Based on the outcomes, we will plan further, aiming to make an increasing impact together with all our partners.

You can contribute in various ways, by participating in one of the events, by supporting a participant, or by sponsoring a child within one of the projects.

Impact area India

At Project Held and Nofam, our commitment extends to creating impactful changes across multiple projects in India, each aimed at uplifting communities and providing sustainable solutions for the future. Our initiatives range from enhancing educational environments to fostering economic independence, showcasing our holistic approach to development.

N.E.L.C. School for the Blind: A Beacon of Learning and Hope

Our partnership with the N.E.L.C. School for the Blind is a testament to our dedication to improving educational standards for children with visual impairments. The upcoming Himalaya Trek presents a unique opportunity for our supporters to witness the profound impact of their contributions firsthand. The renovation of classrooms is central to our mission, transforming these spaces into vibrant hubs of learning where every child can flourish. This initiative is about more than just refurbishing physical spaces; it's about reimagining education to meet the specific needs of visually impaired students.

Key Benefits of the N.E.L.C. Project:

  • Improved Quality of Education: Modernizing classrooms with contemporary facilities and customized learning materials to enrich the educational experience for students.

  • Empowerment: Providing students with the tools for independent learning, thereby boosting their confidence and preparing them for a successful future.

  • Economic Impact: Introducing sustainable energy solutions, like solar panels and batteries, not only contributes to environmental conservation but also generates considerable cost savings, allowing resources to be reallocated directly towards educational and development initiatives.

N.E.L.C. School for the Blind: A day with blind children

Salvation Ministries India: Empowerment Through Enterprise

Aligned with our mission at the N.E.L.C. School for the Blind, we are also engaged with Salvation Ministries India in efforts toward economic empowerment and community development. Establishing tea houses and small shops serves as a platform for economic independence and community integration. These initiatives are designed not just as places for refreshment but as critical steps towards employment and social engagement, especially for the marginalized Dalits.

Key Benefits of the Salvation Ministries India Project:

  • Employment and Income: Directly providing jobs and a stable income for 4 to 5 students or Dalits per tea house, making an immediate impact on poverty reduction and promoting social equality.

  • Social Integration: These tea houses act as social gathering places that contribute to breaking down societal barriers, including the caste system, by creating an inclusive environment.

  • Sustainable Development: The project encourages local entrepreneurship and promotes the economic self-sufficiency of communities, leading to long-lasting, positive changes.

Your Role in This Journey

By engaging with our projects, whether through participation in the Himalaya Trek or through fundraising efforts, you become an integral part of a larger movement towards social change and development. Each contribution, no matter the size, has the potential to significantly alter the course of lives, providing children at the N.E.L.C. School for the Blind and participants in the Salvation Ministries India project with opportunities for a brighter, more prosperous future.

Together, we're not just renovating buildings or starting businesses; we're laying the groundwork for hope, education, and economic empowerment. Join us on this transformative journey, where your support can turn dreams into reality for countless individuals across India. Your involvement makes a world of difference, creating ripples of change that extend far beyond the immediate projects at hand.

About Project Held

We began with the possibility of child sponsorship. Thanks to the sponsorship, a child in need can dream again and has hope for the future. Now, years later, hundreds of children have successfully graduated from the sponsorship program.

As the costs for our projects expanded significantly and we felt a shared responsibility to support them, we sat down to discuss solutions. The highest costs for our projects are in school fees, particularly for boarding schools and universities, which are recurring high expenses.

We at Project Held are committed to standing up for these children, ensuring they can complete their education and realize their dreams. That's why we have launched the campaign and website 'Samen voor Morgen'.

Tine and Viviane, team Project Held

Project Helder team Tine en Viviane samen met een groep van kinderen.

About the Nofam Foundation

At Stichting Nofam, we believe in the power of connection. Our goal is to offer every child a hopeful future, and we achieve this by uniting people and organizations committed to helping others. Our role extends beyond just supporting charities; we are the catalyst that strengthens their efforts through our collective knowledge, experience, and digital expertise.

Nofam co-founder Erik Jager has embarked on an impressive journey in the realm of child aid over the years. With a rich history of successful offline campaigns, Erik has managed to build a sanctuary and establish warm, long-term relationships with partners and donors. These experiences form the foundation of our new campaign: a future in which we combine forces online and offline to give even more children a chance.

Together for Tomorrow: Our Promise to Every Child

With our new campaign, 'Samen voor Morgen', we aim to enhance the impact of our efforts. We do this by merging the heart and soul of our offline experiences with the speed and scalability of our online endeavors. We are committed to helping every child, in every corner of the world, because we believe that a hopeful future should not just be a dream, but an achievable reality for every child.

Erik Jager - Bestuurslid Nofam.

Our mission is to create connections, digitally or through offline campaigns, to empower as many children as possible. So that they too can have a chance at a hopeful future.

Erik Jager